
a diverse genus of aquatic plants, captivates with its varied leaf shapes, sizes, and colors. Its low-light tolerance and resilience make it a perfect, visually pleasing choice for aquarists.

🌶 on patrol
#aquarium #betta #bettafish #bettatank #bettasplendens #fishtank #aquascape #aquascaping #freshwateraquarium #plantedtank #plantedaquarium #natureaquarium #aquatic #aquario #ultumnaturesystems #cryptocoryne #cryptocorynepinkpanther
#aquarium #shrimp #redbeeshrimp #blackbeeshrimp #plants #moss #bucephalandra #cryptocoryne #ADA 
#ネイチャーアクアリウム #アクアリウム 
#アクアリウムのある暮らし #水槽のある暮らし #えび水槽のある暮らし #えびのいる暮らし 
#シュリンプ #レッドビーシュリンプ #ブラックビーシュリンプ #えび #水草 #水草レイアウト #水景 #趣味 #画像 #癒し #cocobee
Planted 🌱
I will fill and set up running equipment this weekend 😃
Plants used:
Bucephelandra kedegang
Bucephelandra mini needle leaf
Bucephelandra serimbu brown
Anubias nana pongolino 
Taxiphyllum barbieri 
Riccardia chamedryfolia 
Marsilea hirsuta
Marsilea crenata
Eleocharis acicularis mini
Cryptocoryne albida brown 
Cryptocoryne parva 
Cryptocoryne lutea ‘hobbit’

I will add red root floaters once full also.

The plan is to fill with partial used water from another tank and take mature media from the filter on that tank. This will hopefully mature the system faster.

#aquascape #aquascaping #aquascaper #plantedtank #aquaticplants #anubias #bucephelandra #taxiphyllum #riccardiachamedryfolia #cryptocoryne #moss #elecharis #minihairgrass #hairgrass #marsilea #hardscape #natureaquarium #ada45p #45p #aquadesignamano
Some quick maintenance from our own juri_js on his Cryptocoryne only scape. Check out his profile for more closeups and details of this scape 😉
• Cryptocoryne parva
• Cryptocoryne petchii
• Cryptocoryne wendtii green
• Cryptocoryne wendtii tropica
• Cryptocoryne balansae
• Cryptocoryne broad leaf
• Cryptocoryne usteriana
• Cryptocoryne undulata red
#Tropicaaquariumplants #aquascaping #cryptocoryne #cryptocorynewendtii #cryptocoryneparva

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