a diverse genus of aquatic plants, captivates with its varied leaf shapes, sizes, and colors. Its low-light tolerance and resilience make it a perfect, visually pleasing choice for aquarists.
#plantedtank #plantedaquarium #aquarium #aquascape #aquascapes #aquascaping #aquadesignamano #dooa #natureaquarium #nature #cryptocoryne #sideview

Cryptocoryne wendtii ‚Flamingo‘
ist eine optisch sehr außergewöhnliche Pflanze. Sie ist eine der wenigen wirklich rosa/magenta-farbigen Pflanzen und noch dazu relativ pflegeleicht. Trotzdem sind intensive Beleuchtung und CO2-Versorgung für die volle Farbenpracht zu empfehlen. Wir beleuchten sie mit der Chihiros Universal WRGB, welche die Farbenpracht nochmals hervorhebt.
#aquascape #aquarium #liquidnaturevienna #aquariumplants #cryptocoryne #cryptocoryneflamingo #cryptocorynewendtii

🌶 on patrol
#aquarium #betta #bettafish #bettatank #bettasplendens #fishtank #aquascape #aquascaping #freshwateraquarium #plantedtank #plantedaquarium #natureaquarium #aquatic #aquario #ultumnaturesystems #cryptocoryne #cryptocorynepinkpanther

#aquarium #shrimp #redbeeshrimp #blackbeeshrimp #plants #moss #bucephalandra #cryptocoryne #ADA
#ネイチャーアクアリウム #アクアリウム
#アクアリウムのある暮らし #水槽のある暮らし #えび水槽のある暮らし #えびのいる暮らし
#シュリンプ #レッドビーシュリンプ #ブラックビーシュリンプ #えび #水草 #水草レイアウト #水景 #趣味 #画像 #癒し #cocobee

Planted 🌱
I will fill and set up running equipment this weekend 😃
Plants used:
Bucephelandra kedegang
Bucephelandra mini needle leaf
Bucephelandra serimbu brown
Anubias nana pongolino
Taxiphyllum barbieri
Riccardia chamedryfolia
Marsilea hirsuta
Marsilea crenata
Eleocharis acicularis mini
Cryptocoryne albida brown
Cryptocoryne parva
Cryptocoryne lutea ‘hobbit’
I will add red root floaters once full also.
The plan is to fill with partial used water from another tank and take mature media from the filter on that tank. This will hopefully mature the system faster.
#aquascape #aquascaping #aquascaper #plantedtank #aquaticplants #anubias #bucephelandra #taxiphyllum #riccardiachamedryfolia #cryptocoryne #moss #elecharis #minihairgrass #hairgrass #marsilea #hardscape #natureaquarium #ada45p #45p #aquadesignamano

【 2012年 Vol.197 22~23ページに掲載 】
最新のaqua_design_amano #アクアジャーナル Vol.329を読んで、探していたもの…
#aquajournal #ブランチウッド #branchwood #anubias #アヌビアスナナプチ #anubiasnanapetite #ボルビティス #bolbitis #bolbitisheudelotii #クリプトコリネ #cryptocoryne #ネイチャーアクアリウム #natureaquarium #アクアデザインアマノ #aquadesignamano #ADA #天野尚 #takashiamano #IAPLC #水草レイアウト #aquascaping #ADA特約店 #アクアリウムショップ #aquariumshop #水草ショップ #アクアの達人 #湖西市 #浜松市 #豊橋市

Some quick maintenance from our own juri_js on his Cryptocoryne only scape. Check out his profile for more closeups and details of this scape 😉
• Cryptocoryne parva
• Cryptocoryne petchii
• Cryptocoryne wendtii green
• Cryptocoryne wendtii tropica
• Cryptocoryne balansae
• Cryptocoryne broad leaf
• Cryptocoryne usteriana
• Cryptocoryne undulata red
#Tropicaaquariumplants #aquascaping #cryptocoryne #cryptocorynewendtii #cryptocoryneparva

さて、今日から阪神の紅白戦が始まりました📣( ¯ᒡ̱¯ )و
公式戦チケットの販売も始まったし、グッズも届いてきてるし、徐々に盛り上がってきています…( ㆆ ㆆ)و✧ヒトリデネ
Thank you for always watching.
#aquarium #shrimp #redbeeshrimp #blackbeeshrimp #plants #moss #bucephalandra #cryptocoryne #ada
#ネイチャーアクアリウム #アクアリウム
#アクアリウムのある暮らし #水槽のある暮らし #水景 #シュリンプ #レッドビーシュリンプ #ブラックビーシュリンプ #えび #水草 #水草レイアウト #趣味 #癒し
#cocobee #aquafortune

Explore more about Cryptocoryne
Cryptocoryne Lucens: Creating a Whimsical Wonderland in Your Aquarium
1. Introduction Child: Professor, do you remember that enchanting garden in “Alice in Wonderland” with countless fascinating plants and creatures?…
Create Your Own Atlantis: Enchanting Cryptocoryne Retrospiralis for Aquarium Masterpieces
Chapter 1: Introduction Child: Professor, I recently read about a mythical aquatic wonderland called Atlantis. If I were to build…
“Enchanting Embrace: Unveiling the Alluring World of Cryptocoryne Pontederiifolia for Your Aquarium”
Chapter 1: Introduction Child: Professor, have you ever read “The Picture of Dorian Gray”? It portrays the idea of eternal…
Aquatic Poetry: Unveiling the Enchanting World of Cryptocoryne Beckettii
1. Introduction Child: Professor, I recently came across a beautiful aquatic plant mentioned in my favorite ancient Japanese haikus. It…
“Mastering the Art of Aquatic Gardening: Unveiling the Secrets of Cryptocoryne Balansae”
1. Introduction Child: Professor, you know how Shakespeare once wrote, “One touch of nature makes the whole world kin”? I…
Cryptocoryne beckettii: Unraveling the Aquatic Treasure of Infinite Variety
Chapter 1: Introduction Child: Professor, did you know that Cleopatra once said, “Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her…
“Cryptocoryne Parva: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Ethereal Beauty in Aquatic Gardens”
1. Introduction Child: Professor, lately, I’ve been reading this enchanting book about the ethereal beauty of the underwater world. While…
Dancing with the Waves: The Enchanting World of Cryptocoryne Crispatula
1. Introduction Child: Professor, I have ventured into the vibrant worlds of literature, art, and other cultural gems, but I…
Cryptocoryne beckettii: Unraveling the Aquatic Enigma of Aquarium Masterpieces
1. Introduction 【Child】Professor, as I was learning about aquatic plants, I came across the name Cryptocoryne beckettii. Like the ever-so-fascinating…
“Enchanting Underwater Forests: Discovering the Magic of Cryptocoryne Beckettii”
1. Introduction 【Child】Oh, great Professor! I was skimming through an old, dusty art book and stumbled upon a beautiful painting…
Cryptocoryne Parva: Unveiling the Secrets of the Underwater David
1. Introduction 【Child】Professor, you know how the great Leonardo da Vinci once said that “Water is the driving force of…
“Enchanting Aquatic Masterpieces: Creating a Monet-Inspired Aquarium with Cryptocoryne Balansae”
1. Introduction 【Child】: Professor, I’ve been mesmerized by Monet’s Water Lilies lately. It made me think, wouldn’t it be wonderful…
Cryptocoryne x Willisii: Unveiling the Enchanting World Beneath the Water’s Surface
1. Introduction Child: You know, Professor, as I was reading “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” by Jules Verne, I couldn’t…
“Wave Plant Wonders: Unveiling the Beauty of Cryptocoryne Undulata in Your Aquarium”
Chapter 1: Introduction Child: Professor, I recently read a beautiful poem about the lush green landscape of a forest, where…
Creating Atlantis: Unveiling the Enigmatic Cryptocoryne Wendtii Brown for Aquatic Gardens
1. Introduction Child: Professor, I was reading a book about the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and couldn’t help but wonder…
“Unlocking the Underwater Enigma: A Guide to the Cryptocoryne Wendtii ‘Mi Oya’ Plant for Aquariums”
1. Introduction 【Child】: Oh, wise Professor, I am enthralled by the beauty and mystery of the underwater world, and I…
“Enchanting Underwater Worlds: A Journey into Cryptocoryne Affinis Aquatic Plant Care”
1. Introduction 【Child】Oh, professor! I’ve been reading this lovely poem by Emily Dickinson: “Water is taught by thirst.” It made…
“Mermaid’s Masterpiece: Unveiling the Enchanting Secrets of Cryptocoryne Wendtii ‘Tropica'”
1. Introduction 【Child】 Oh wise Professor, riddle me this: If a mermaid were to design her own underwater garden, which…
Cryptocoryne Spiralis: Unraveling the Secrets of the Enchanting Aquatic Spirals
Chapter 1: Introduction Child: Professor, have you ever pondered over the thoughts of Shakespeare’s Ophelia as she adorned her hair…
Cryptocoryne lingua: An Enchanting Guide to Cultivating Mysterious Aquatic Beauty
1. Introduction Child: Oh, Professor Wigglyfin, I’ve been reading “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” by Jules Verne and I’m fascinated…
“Creating Aquatic Masterpieces: A Guide to Growing Cryptocoryne Nevillii in Your Aquarium”
1. Introduction Child: Professor, I recently stumbled upon a painting of water lilies by Monet and it piqued my curiosity….
“Dancing with the Cryptocoryne Crispatula: Graceful Aquatic Gardens for Enchanted Aquariums”
1. Introduction 【Child】 Hey, Professor! I heard there’s an aquatic plant called the Cryptocoryne crispatula that has beautiful rippling leaves…
“Unlock the Enchanting World of Cryptocoryne Aponogetifolia: The Aquatic Plant for Your Underwater Paradise”
1. Introduction 【Child】: Hey Professor, do you remember that aquatic wonderland we saw in the aquarium last week? The one…
Unlocking the Secrets of Cryptocoryne Lingua: A Guide for Aquarium Enthusiasts
1. Introduction 【Child】 Professor, do you know the story “The Language of Flowers”? I’ve always been fascinated by how each…
“Enchanting Underwater Gardens: Discover the Magic of Cryptocoryne Nurii”
1. Introduction 【Child】: Professor, I was reading “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” by Jules Verne and wondered if there…
“Dreamscapes Unveiled: The Enchanting World of Cryptocoryne Albida”
1. Introduction 【Child】 “Professor, do you remember Shakespeare’s words, ‘We are such stuff as dreams are made on’? I find…
“Unlocking the Aquatic Wonders: A Journey Through the World of Cryptocoryne Wendtii ‘Green’ for Your Aquarium”
1. Introduction 【Child】 Oh, Professor, have you ever read “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” by Jules Verne? The extraordinary…
Cryptocoryne tonkinensis: Decoding the Mysteries of the Aquatic Lotus
1. Introduction Child: Professor, I recently heard about an aquatic plant called Cryptocoryne tonkinensis. Can you tell me more about…
The Enchanting World of Cryptocoryne Wendtii ‘Brown’: A Guide for Aquarists
1. Introduction 【Child】 Professor, I recently came across this beautiful aquatic plant that reminded me of the dark, lush forests…
Enchanting Underwater Eden: The Mesmerizing Beauty of Cryptocoryne Wendtii ‘Brown’
Chapter 1: Introduction 【Child】Oh professor, have you heard of the tale of Narcissus? A beautiful youth who fell in love…