Guppy and platy are ovoviviparous freshwater fish with small and colorful bodies. They are peaceful and easy to care for, making them popular among beginners.
We`ve known Keng Lee and Sai of twincitiesguppies for years and finally got a chance to film their new fish store (YouTube link in bio). Which of these fancy guppies do you wish you could take home?
#guppies #guppy #guppyfish #guppylover #fishstore

Slovenská ekonomika zaostáva v mzdách a produktivite, legislatívne zásahy negatívne ovplyvňujú konkurencieschopnosť firiem. Republiková únia zamestnávateľov (RÚZ) poukazuje na to, že slovenské mzdy sú v porovnaní s ostatnými krajinami Európskej únie (EÚ) najnižšie.
Krajiny, ktoré dosahujú vyššiu produktivitu práce, zvyčajne majú vyššie mzdy a lepšie hospodárske výsledky. Okrem nízkej produktivity práce je však na Slovensku problémom aj vysoké daňovo-odvodové zaťaženie miezd, ktoré je jedno z najvyšších v EÚ a dosahuje v priemere 44 % z celkových mzdových výdavkov na zamestnanca.
K tomu sa pridávajú aj ďalšie nepriame dane, ako DPH, spotrebné dane a ďalšie poplatky, ktoré tiež limitujú skutočnú výšku mzdy, ktorú občania môžu využiť na svoje výdavky. Väčšina daní a poplatkov tiež celkovo zvyšuje náklady firiem a obmedzuje ich schopnosť vyplácať vyššie mzdy.
Viac sa dozviete v článku na našom webe 👉 (link v profile) 👈
#interezsk #intereznews #spravy #slovensko #eu #platy #ekonomika #aktuality

Poecilia Wingei (endler)
#aquariumhobby #aquariumcichlid #aquariumofinstagram #aquariumtank #aquariumfish #aquariumlife #guppy #guppyfish #guppyindonesia #guppybreeder #dailyphoto #dailyart #photooftheday #macrophotography #macrophotographylove #sundaymood☀️ #artistsoninstagram #artwork #planet #aquariumshrimp #vsco #akvaryum #akvaryumhobisi #akvaryumgünlüğü #akvaryumbaliklari #freshwateraquarium

#pikaole #illustagram #artistsoninstagram #illustration #aquarium #painting #instaart #fish #art #wildlife #underwater #platy #blueplaty #platyfish #イラスト #絵 #ドローイング #淡水魚 #熱帯魚 #魚 #さかな #アクアリウム #水船 #プラティ #ミックスプラティ #열대어 #물생활 #플래티 #biology #aquaticplants

Charles returns to Walnut Grove with the #truth about Nancy’s origin and Harriet is trying to keep her cool. Laura, with Harriet’s permission, decides to spearhead a plan to teach Nancy a lesson while also helping out the Sleepy Eye Orphanage. Getting the student body involved, Nancy is set to be part of the most popular booth at their bazaar: the #mermaid booth Dressed to impress…Willie is not impressed #guppy The Reincarnation of Nellie Pt2 S8 Ep 2 #littlehouseontheprairie #littlehouse #lhotp #tv #classictv #prairieverse

Já teve algum desses? Comenta aí 👇
#kinguios #bettasplendens #peixebetta #paulistinha #plati #platy #otocinclus #otocincluscatfish #catfish #peixelimpavidro #cascudo #peixematogrosso #tetraserpae #colisa #peixesornamentais #peixes #aquarismo #aquarismoplantado #aquarismohobby #aquarismoprofissional #aquarismoiniciante #aquarismojumbo #aquarismobrasil #aquarismomarinho

Nuestros guppys de selección 👌🏻
Ven y descúbrelos 😉
#acuario #acuarios #wabikusa #wabikusatank #aquascaping #naturaleza #aquascaping #aquascape #aquarium #aquaticplant #natureaquarium #plantedtank #plantedaquarium #naturelovers #pzesaquascapingteam #aquascape #pzes #freshwaterplants #aquadesignamano #freshwateraquarium #iwagumi #guppyfish #guppy #interiordesign #design #relax #enjoy

Baby platies from the summer tubs •
#livebearer #livebearers #platy #platies #summertubs #summertubbin #fishfam #wildfishtanks #colorfulfish #colorfulfishes #babyfish #fishbabies #fishbreeder #breedingfish #fishbreeding #aquaticplants #floatingplants #amazonfrogbit #freshwateraquarium #aquarium #aquariumhobby #aquariumhobbyist #aquarist #fishkeeping #fishkeeping #fishkeepinghobby #fishkeepingcommunity #freshwateraquarium #aquariums #aquariumhobby

Explore more about Ovoviviparous fish(Guppy/Platy etc)
Dancing in the Deep: Discovering the Mesmerizing World of Red Glass Ribbon Fish
1. Introduction 【Child】: Professor, I’ve been reading about this fascinating fish called the Red Glass Ribbon Fish. Can you tell…
The Red Mickey Mouse Platy Chronicles: A Whimsical Wonderland Adventure for Your Aquarium
Child: Professor, I have a question for you. If the eternally clever Alice from Wonderland had a fish as her…
Romancing the Fins: The Enchanting World of Red and White Swordtails
1. Introduction 【Child】Professor, have you ever heard of a fish that reminds you of Romeo and Juliet’s love, dressed in…
“Swimming in a Sea of Love: The Captivating World of Red Neon Guppies”
【Child】: So, professor, I heard about a beautiful and mythical fish called the Red Neon Guppy. In Greek mythology, red…
Rising from the Depths: The Regal Red Phoenix Arowana
【Child】Professor, have you ever read about the mythical bird, the phoenix? It is said to be born from ashes and…
“Enchanting Aquatic Knights: Dive into the World of Red Swordtails”
1. Introduction 【Child】Oh, esteemed professor, the dazzling beauty of a vibrant sword evokes the dazzling dance of swords by the…
The Magical World of Red Top Mickey Mouse Platies: Discovering Whimsical Wonders in Your Aquarium
1. Introduction 【Child】: Professor, have you heard of a fish called the Red Top Mickey Mouse Platy? I heard that…
Dancing with Neptune’s Gems: The Enchanting World of Lutino German Yellow Tuxedo Guppies
1. Introduction 【Child】: Professor, do you remember the Golden Fish of King Solomon? It was said to be a wondrous…
“The Enchanting Artistry of Red Grass Fish: A Wonderland for Aquarium Enthusiasts”
1. Introduction 【Child】 Professor, have you ever read Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland? There’s a quote that says, “It’s no use…
Dancing in Aqua Wonderland: The Captivating World of Lazuli Blue Grass Guppies
1. Introduction 【Child】: Have you heard of Lazuli Blue Grass, Professor? It sounds like a character from a beautiful ancient…
Dive into the Enchanting World of Lazuli Red Grass Fish: A Magical Underwater Tale
Child: Professor, have you ever read “The Secret Garden”? I imagine a world filled with beautiful, mysterious plants and creatures…
Dancing with Pandas: A Colorful Odyssey into the World of Moscow Panda Guppies
1. Introduction 【Child】: Professor, I’ve heard of a fascinating creature in the world of aquariums called the Moscow Panda. Can…
Dive into the World of Moscow Blue Guppies: A Captivating Aquatic Adventure
1. Introduction 【Child】: Professor, have you ever read Jules Verne’s “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea”? In that novel, Captain…
Unveiling the Mysteries of the Metal Red Lace Cobra: A Majestic Aquarium Jewel
1. Introduction 【Child】: Professor, I have heard of a mysterious fish named the Metal Red Lace Cobra, it sounds like…
Dancing with Medusa: A Magical Journey into the World of Jellyfish Aquariums
1. Introduction 【Child】 Oh, Professor! I’ve been pondering, what might the divine poet of the sea have inked into his…
Steampunk Swimwear: Discover the Enchanting World of Emperor Angelfish
1. Introduction 【Child】: Professor, I was reading Jules Verne’s “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” and was amazed by the variety…
The Enchanting World of Metal Cobras: Unveiling the Secrets of Aquarium’s Metallic Marvels
1. Introduction 【Child】: Professor, did you know that there’s a fish called a Metal Cobra? It sounds like something out…
Unlocking the Secrets of the Love Mark Fish: A Romantic Adventure for Aquarium Enthusiasts
1. Introduction 【Child】: Professor, have you ever heard of a fish called the “Love Mark Fish Species”? I came across…
Glimmering Gems of the Aquatic World: The Enchanting Platinum Mosaic Guppies
Chapter 1: Introduction 【Child】Professor, if beautiful, glittering gemstones were fish in an imaginary world created by L. Frank Baum, what…
Dancing in the Depths: Unveiling the Mysterious and Captivating Platinum Russian Purple Fish
1. Introduction 【Child】Professor, I’ve recently read Jules Verne’s “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” and I was mesmerized by the fantastic…
The Mona Lisa of the Aquarium World: Unveiling the Platinum Aquamarine Mosaic
1. Introduction 【Child】: Professor, I heard about a magnificent fish called the Platinum Aquamarine Mosaic, much like Leonardo da Vinci’s…
The Enchanting World of Platinum American Whites: Aquatic Knights in Shining Scales
1. Introduction 【Child】: Professor, have you heard of the Platinum American White? It reminds me of a poem I once…
Dazzling Aquatic Gems: The Enchanting World of Blue Mosaic Guppies
1. Introduction 【Child】Excuse me, professor, but have you ever come across a shimmering gem darting through the pages of a…
Dancing with the Platinum Aquamarine Blue Mosaic: A Symphony of Aquarium Elegance
1. Introduction 【Child】 Professor, I’ve recently become fascinated by a certain fish, like the way the moonlit sky attracts the…
“Dancing with Blue Tuxedo Platies: A Vivid Aquarium Adventure”
1. Introduction 【Child】: Good day, Professor! I’ve been reading this lovely collection of poems called “The Love Song of the…
“The Aquatic Symphony: Unveiling the Enchanting World of Blue Tail Guppies”
1. Introduction 【Child】 Imagine if Claude Monet were a fish, delighting in creating intricate ponds, splashing brush strokes across the…
Dancing with Aquatic Ophelias: Discover the Enchanting World of Bluegrass Fish
1. Introduction 【Child】: Professor, the other day, I saw a curious creature swimming gracefully in an aquarium, like Ophelia drifting…
“Black Lyretail Mollies: Unveiling the Enchantment of Aquarium Elegance”
1. Introduction 【Child】Professor, have you ever read “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”? I imagine Captain Nemo would gaze upon a…
The Enigmatic Beauty of the Blood Orange Layer Moray: Nature’s Aquatic Artistry Unveiled
1. Introduction 【Child】Oh, Professor! In Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables, Jean Valjean found strength and transformation through love and compassion. Speaking…
Dive into the Enchanting World of Bluegrass Guppies: A Guide to Their Care and Aquatic Kingdom
【Child】 Professor, I was reading a fascinating book about a faraway land where everything was blue and made of metal….